Consultation News
Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy (SLAWS) Meeting
A GDA members meeting has been arranged to discuss SLAWS with the project leads from the States. Where: Saumarez Room, Beau Sejour When: 12 noon Tuesday 20th June 2023 For information on what SLAWS is watch the short video [...]
Fighting Loneliness in our Community
Survey A short survey has been launched on connection and belonging in Guernsey. It wants your views on loneliness and suggestions on how to tackle it. The survey contains questions on whether you have an impairment or illness [...]
Equipment Aids and Adaptations – Section 10
In 2022 the GDA was asked by the Committee for Health and Social Care (HSC) to respond to potential changes to the means tested "section 10" provision of equipment, aids, and adaptations. A report has now been prepared for [...]
Education Law – Consultation
Education have a consultation out on the new Education Law. It has not provided the full details of the draft Law at this stage but is asking questions around the proposed main changes. To read more and to find [...]
Education Meeting 17th February 2023
The GDA is holding a Members meeting, focussed on education at Les Cotils, in the Carol Hines Room, on Friday 17th February 2023 at 12:00. We will welcome David Stumpf from Education to the meeting from 12:30 to 13:45 [...]
Drop in 12pm -14:00pm on 8th June at Les Cotils on Equipment, Aids and Adaptations
HSC are asking the GDA, other stake holders, individuals with an impairment or carers, for help to progress a review of the current provision of equipment, aids and adaptations. An ambitious time frame means HSC aims to include recommendations [...]
Consultation – Fibre to Premises
Thank you to members who commented on the issues raised by fibre replacing copper wires for our landline phones which means they will not work if the power goes down. The GDA has responded to the consultation questions asked [...]