
Following the unanimous acceptance of the proposals for discrimination legislation in July 2020 the Law Officers have now received drafting instructions. This means that the legislation to protect against discrimination on the grounds of disability and carer status along with race is being drafted and has been prioritised by the States in March 2021 under the Government Work Plan – see here for more information.

During the July 2020 debate it was agreed to move the grounds of sexual orientation and religion into the first phase of the discrimination legislation. Staff at the department for Employment and Social Security are currently writing a policy letter for the States to consider in Spring / Summer 2021 giving detailed drafting instructions on these grounds.

The States has changed, following a general election, since the legislation was last debated and the debate on the grounds of sexual orientation and religion will be an opportunity to see how current States members feel about protecting the rights of the most vulnerable members of society in the Bailiwick.

The consultation on religion has highlighted some issues that are currently being dealt with before the Committee for Employment and Social Security publishes its Policy Letter which will include the detailed drafting instructions.

Funding for any actions will be agreed during the next phase of the Government Work Plan to be debated in July 2021.

We will keep you up to date with any new developments.