On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence that companies and societies that respect rights and strive for equality of opportunity do better than those that do not.
It should be obvious that in a small island with full employment, it makes sense to enable everyone to participate fully. One independent Canadian study suggests that just by improving access to work for persons with disabilities would bring a permanent improvement in Canada’s Gross Domestic Product of $1.6 billion a year (about 1%).
Suggestions that discrimination legislation may put companies off from moving to Guernsey are seen as unrealistic.
The GDA suggests companies moving to Guernsey are often well versed with both the principles and realities of discrimination legislation.
The existence, or otherwise, of such legislation is unlikely to factor highly, if at all, in a decision to move to, or from, Guernsey.
Other factors, such as; the tax regime, the availability of supporting complimentary services, the standard of communications, transport links, housing, and the availability of other services such as health and education are of more consequence.
However, more logically, a poor reputation for not respecting rights may have a negative effect on the island’s reputation and on its ability to attract and retain the skilled workforce Guernsey needs.