featured News
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion workshop
The GDA is partnering with Equality Guernsey to deliver a workshop on celebrating Equality Diversity and Inclusion. This will take place at Les Cotils 7pm Thursday 26th May. All are welcome. Resources Campaign Outline - final.docx [...]
New Disability Alliance brand
Following our meeting with members and board meetings on our Strategic review we have decided to merge its 3 brands: GDA We All Matter,Eh? Access for All This will support our move to a more streamlined brand, reduced costs [...]
Purple Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Join us for Purple Tuesday 2021. We have two events planned this year: Top Tips breakfast - improving the customer experience - Digital Greenhouse from 8:45am Leadership panel - supporting businesses to access the purple pound worth £274m - [...]
Discrimination Legislation FAQ’s and Information Sheets
Over the last few months the GDA and Equality Guernsey have met with a number of business groups, organisations, deputies and influencers to gain a better understanding of the support they are looking for in relation to the impending [...]
A summary of changes made to policy proposals in response to consultation feedback
There were significant changes to the Discrimination Legislation proposals over its proposal life time. The original 'Strawman' was drafted (best practice) A consultation with key stakeholders Draft technical policy proposals were drawn up The ESS Committee consulted widely on [...]
#StayConnected 2021
#StayConnected is back up and running for any vulnerable members of the community that would benefit from a device for video messaging, including wifi. Please go to We All Matter, Eh? website for more information or contact karen by [...]
IDPwD – 3rd December 2020
Please visit our home page for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD) here: International Day of Persons with Disabilities — Guernsey Disability Alliance Guernsey current situation Summer 2020 The States of Guernsey assembly voted unanimously to [...]
Purple Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Join us as we outline Purple Tuesday and the 6 commitments local organisations are encouraged to make in the next 365 days. What is Purple Tuesday Purple Tuesday 2020 is a change programme for organisations of all sizes [...]
Discrimination Legislation Policy Letter
Tuesday 2nd March - ESS Discrimination Legislation policy letter will be published. Watch this space for the link. Our next GDA members meeting 24th march will focus on the policy letter and ESS staff and deputies will be available [...]