September 21, 2011
Last month the University of Bristol published the results of a survey into the voluntary sector in Guernsey, commissioned by the Guernsey Community Foundation.
In a full page analysis of the research, Nick Mann from the Guernsey Press picked up on the research recommendation that charities need to group themselves into more ‘umbrella bodies’:
- “So what about social policy – who is in charge? Few on the street would have heard of the Social Policy Group and be rushing to Deputy Hunter Adam’s door. If they did, the next step is a large one, or more of a giant leap, straight to the individual charities themselves. The Disability Alliance has created a single body with a larger voice for that particular sector but no-one else has and it could be a model to follow.”
Nick’s article also highlights Jersey’s recent announcement of States funding for a co-ordinator to support voluntary organisations. Treasury has agreed a two year contract up to £120k, including office space and development costs. Could Guernsey follow suit..?
For a summary and a full copy of the research findings, go to the Guernsey Community Foundation website.