January 15, 2024
When: Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 6pm
Where: Canteen, Grow Ltd, Route de Coutanchez St Sampsons, GY2 4GE
See map.
Watch on Teams
As well as attending the meeting in person you can also watch the live stream on Microsoft Teams if you cannot make it to Grow Ltd.
If you have not used Teams before you will need to sign in and download Teams by going to Sign In | Microsoft Teams . This page also has tutorials on it to help you get started.
If you have used Teams before and already have it on your device then you can just use the information below to go to the online meeting a few minutes before 6pm on Tuesday 13th February.
Join on your computer, mobile app or other device:
Link: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 362 835 482 849
Passcode: ycukxf
When you join the meeting online please put your name and any organisation you represent in the “chat”.
The online meeting will be recorded.
Meeting Papers
The meeting will start at 6pm with the official business after which we have invited someone from Employment and Social Security to update members on its plans for the coming year particularly regarding its important proposals for the Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy (SLAWS). SLAWS will make proposals on how the needs of anyone requiring care will be met in the future.
If you are unable to attend the meeting in person you can vote by using the proxy forms and returning the completed form to carol@disabilityalliance.org.gg or by sending the completed form to:
Guernsey Disability Alliance,
First Floor (West),
Island House,
La Grande Rue,
St Martins,
Proxy forms need to reach the office or be emailed by 12 noon on Thursday 8th February 2024.
The papers for the official part of the meeting are available here:
Only members of the GDA can vote at an AGM. If you are concerned that you might not be a member you can email carol@disabilityalliance.org.gg or phone 07781 151397 to speak to Carol who will be able to check.
If you would like to join the GDA please complete and return the membership form, see button below. If you want the right to vote you must be entered on the register of members by close of business on Thursday 8th February, 2024.
Volunteers for the Board
If anyone would like to volunteer for a position on the Board or to help out in anyway please do not hesitate to contact carol@disabilityalliance.org.gg or phone carol on 07781 151397. Alternatively you can approach any of the Board members.
If any member has a question they would like to raise for the Board that is not otherwise on the agenda it would be helpful to know in advance so that we can research any answer if necessary. Please contact carol@disabilityalliance.org.gg or phone carol on 07781 151397. Alternatively you can approach any of the Board members.