November 6, 2011
The GDA website is now official! The launch of our new website and Facebook page was reported in the Guernsey Press on Friday 4th November. Below is an abbreviated version of the article:
The Guernsey Disability Alliance has launched website to provide answers to common questions and give disabled islanders the chance to help each other.
“There are so many questions people have and the website is there for disabled people to help each other. It is free for everyone and you can still access the information without signing up,” said Orla-Marie Manning, GDA Information Officer.
Mrs Manning explained the different features that were included on site. “Anyone can post questions and it also has contact details for all the other disability charities, as well as forum, and FAQ sections where islanders can find answers to common questions and a news blog. The website is also compatible with software for people who are visually impaired.”
Mrs Manning said the website was also linked to a GDA Facebook page, which also gives access to information.
“Disabled people and their families tend to find out about things through word of mouth – like a good source of equipment for disabled children or a benefit that carers are entitled to claim. We are making that sharing of information easier by using the power of the internet.”
GDA member Sarah Whitchurch, 24, said the website would be helpful to her. Fellow GDA member Dave Hainsworth, 54, thought the site’s forum was very good. “A lot of GDA users have the same experiences and share the same problems and here we can help each other and pass on advice and it’s very worthwhile.”
Copy reproduced courtesy of The Guernsey Press Co Ltd.