June 25, 2013

Channel TV reporting on DisabledGo with Lee Vaudin and family, Paulette Marquand from Beau Sejour and Rita Cooper from DisabledGo
In April 2013 the team from DisabledGo returned to the island to consult with islanders as to which venues they would like to see added to the guide. The GDA hosted a meeting on behalf of DisabledGo where members of the public were invited to find out more.
DisabledGo surveyors have since completed 26 new guides, 20 of which are detailed access guides to restaurants, hotels, sports facilities and medial practices. The newly added venues will go live on the DisabledGo website in early August.
The guide is not just for wheelchair users, it is also a valuable resource for people with other impairments like hearing or sight loss.
To find out more about local and UK venues visit disabledgo.