November 11, 2013
The Bailiwick Express reported that:
A new working party, led by the Chief Minister, Deputy Peter Harwood, has been set up to bring forward the Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy (SLAWS).
Deputy Harwood said:
“The Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy had been prioritised by the Policy Council’s Social Policy Group, and the new working party has been set up to bring together Deputies and staff to move this important piece of work forward.
The Working Party will seek to address adult islanders’ care, support and supported accommodation needs by examining what services and funding arrangements are provided to them. We intend to answer three questions:
1. What care, support and accommodation services will be provided;
2. Who should provide these; and
3. How will they be paid for?”
The Chief Minister was pleased that the Health and Social Services Department, Housing Department, Social Security Department and Treasury and Resources Department would be working with Policy Council in the working party to bring a report to this States.
Deputy Harwood said:
“The work will incorporate a review of all services and funding provision for anyone needing care and support who is over 18. This will include services and funding from those provided to people who are cared for by their families and friends; through supported living options, such as extra-care developments and residential and nursing care services; to specialist and hospital care and long-term off-island placements. The strategy will also include consideration of services in Alderney.”
During the development of the strategy existing arrangements will be reviewed to examine how well they meet islanders’ needs.
Deputy Harwood said:
“Given the Islands’ ageing population this is a matter of particular urgency. We know that the current arrangements are not financially sustainable without changes of some sort. The current care provision and funding is complex and it can be confusing for people to know what help they can receive and who they should speak to when they need additional support.
Some people may remember being contacted in the past about an Older People’s Strategy or a Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy, and the he work previously undertaken will be used and developed. The results of relevant surveys will also be used, such as the Housing Needs Survey and the Disability Needs Survey. This will avoid unnecessary duplication and assist the Working Party progress the project, enabling the Strategy to be taken to the States this political term.
As well as working with States Departments it will also be important to make sure that the views of islanders needing care and support are taken into account, as well as the views of friends and family providing support. We will also be seeking views from private sector providers and the charitable and voluntary sector.”
The SLAWS working party will be liaising with interested parties throughout the process, primarily via the Guernsey Disability Alliance and Ageing Well in the Bailiwick. Individuals or organisations that would like to be added to the working party’s mailing list to receive regular updates, or have comments or queries, should contact or write to the Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy, Policy Council, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, GY1 1FH.
Further information
The Social Policy Group of Policy Council have identified the Strategy as a priority for this political term and a Working Party has been formed which will take the work forward. The Working Party will be chaired by the Chief Minister, and is composed of representatives of the Health and Social Services, Housing, Social Security and Treasury and Resources Boards.
Ageing Well in the Bailiwick is a newly formed group brought together by the Guernsey Community Foundation which consists of representatives from organisations working with older people, from the private, voluntary and public sectors.
The Guernsey Disability Alliance includes representatives from more than 30 local disability charities, plus individual disabled people, their families and the professionals who support them.