June 5, 2014
On June 4th 2014, disabled islanders, civil servants and politicians gathered in St Sampson’s High School Hall to review progress on Guernsey’s new Disability and Inclusion Strategy. The event was organised by the Guernsey Disability Alliance and supported by Deutsche Bank and had to be moved from Le Murier Hall because over 100 people wished to attend.
The highlight of the evening was a question and answer session with an expert panel of disabled islanders and those who care for a disabled adult or children. Rob Moore from Channel TV drew questions from the audience and the panellists used their personal experiences to help guide the development of support and services in the future.
The event was titled “Reach for the Summit” in recognition that November’s historic States vote in favour of a Disability and Inclusion Strategy was like reaching base camp on a mountain – a huge sense of achievement looking down, a huge sense of awe looking up.
Media coverage:
Rob Moore’s report on the event for Channel TV
Guernsey Press