June 27, 2016
Our local Cystic Fibrosis group, along with GDA are looking to bring over Tim Wotton to speak on living with CF, sport and health as part of our ‘We All Matter Eh?’ campaign on hidden disabilities. www.matter.gg
Tim Wotton, 45, is a full-time communications consultant, award-winning author, international public speaker and has played field hockey for England. His eyes and heart have been opened by his health struggle with cystic fibrosis (CF) and CF-related diabetes which has been a huge factor in his life, but not one that defines it.
Tim unpicks his CF survival, living and working with a disability and the transformative power of medicine, while demonstrating the resilience required every day to endure what cannot be cured. He also stresses the importance of physical and mental wellbeing to business performance, life and work purpose and the importance of leaving a lasting legacy by living for every moment.
Tim’s candid, authentic and humorous speeches are thoroughly engaging, thought-provoking and live a long time in the memory.
The sponsorship opportunity includes travel, accommodation and expenses. We will publically thank sponsors through banner presence at meeting, social media, as well as Tim being available for a sponsor lunch or breakfast speaking opportunity. All enquiries please contact Karen Mobile: 07781 467 316 or [safe_email]karen@disabilityalliance.org.gg[/safe_email]
For more information download Tim Wotton’s Biography