October 27, 2016

Fundraising? Check out the Association of Guernsey Charities website

Could you use corporate volunteers?

We now have over 100 registered volunteers looking to help voluntary organisations.
We are also getting enquires from businesses looking for opportunities to partner with local charities.
For example:

  • a finance industry business can provide 3 or 4 staff for half a day once per month
  • Amalgamated Facilities Management Limited is looking to adopt a charity for 2017, using their practical skills to help with projects, raise money for the charity, and organising events.  Please contact Karen Girdlestone on 252111 by 4th November 2016

If you have a need for volunteers, please post it on your charity page on the AGC website (www.charity.org.gg), and if it is not filled, just remember that it drops off www.volunteer.gg after three months, so please refresh the date of your volunteer post from time to time.
If you have an opportunity for either of the offers mentioned above please contact me (Peter Rose) directly or just email volunteer@charity.org.gg

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