December 5, 2016
‘The main issue for carers remains the absence of a carers strategy. Although some small steps have been made, the existence of a strategy (and then of course the practical matters that will lead from it) still feels like a long way off. The GDA of course continues to exert what influence and support it can to bring that day closer. The creation of the Signpost website is a positive development and the further expansion and enhancement of it will continue to be useful. Alongside this additional information and guidance resource, respite care, and access to it, remains a key issue for carers in Guernsey.
More recently the Carers’ Working Group of the Guernsey Community Foundation has progressed the idea of Carers Guernsey – an entity which could be very helpful for the many thousands of Islanders who provide care in some capacity. There is much that isn’t settled about Carers Guernsey – what its role would be, who would work on it and indeed how they might be paid – but a recent roundtable discussion session attended by more than forty carers or caring-related charities including the GDA gave unanimous support for the creation of Carers Guernsey.
That’s clearly important and it ensures that the investigations will continue. If carers had there were specific matters to convey, they can be shared with the GDA Executive to be fed into the work of the Community Foundation.’
Andrew Carey
GDA Carers’ Representative