December 11, 2016

The Equality Working Group (EWG) was formed in August out of regular informal meetings initiated by Karen Blanchford to focus on how the third sector could assist in eliminating discrimination through improvements in equality legislation and the establishment of an equality rights organisation or equivalent. Discrimination can affect anyone in our community and the EWG is committed to everyone being entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and enjoy equality of opportunity in all aspects of their lives. The current members of the group are:
Karen Blanchford
Tina Bury
Niki Cleal
Annette Girard
Ellie Jones
Sue McCathie (Secretary)
Rob Platts
Kate Raleigh
Vanessa Spiller (Acting Chair)
Dominic Wheatley
Roddy Winser
We have agreed that our primary focus will be to provide a consolidated independent voice to be heard by the States via engagement and collaborative working with the Committee for Employment and Social Security (ESSC) who has the responsibility to deliver the States Equality agenda. We are also keen to improve knowledge and understanding within the States and the wider community for the need for broader equality legislation in Guernsey and an independent Equality and Rights Organisation or equivalent. We will therefore be meeting on a regular basis to provide that credible voice and assistance to the ESSC and Karen will keep you updated on our progress.

Vanessa Spiller
CEO to the Commandery of St John


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