January 19, 2017
We are working with our members on building a calendar for the international days we are celebrating locally in 2017, with over 40 members, this is no easy task, but I thought we would share the dates that we, MIND, Autism Guernsey and others have stated they will highlight in 2017.
The GDA key dates are:
- 10th March – Disability Access Day and the week leading up to it. The GDA meeting will focus on access on the 16th March
- 1st December – International Day of Persons with Disabilities IDPwD (we will celebrate on the Friday 1st not the official day on the Sunday 3rd)
- We will support all our members with social media, newsletter announcement etc on any days they wish to celebrate
Please keep us up to date on your events as we have asked the schools and businesses to be aware of this calendar as well.