May 23, 2017

The Office of the Committee for Employment & Social Security
Ellen Pragnell has been seconded from her normal day job as Manager – Policy and Legislation to lead on the development of detailed policy proposals in respect of the introduction of disability discrimination legislation. Ellen has spent the last 10 years of her career working on the development of social security policy and legislation. Recent major developments that Ellen has taken a leading role in include the preparation of the legislative provisions that underpin the ‘Progress to Work’ initiative, and the development of detailed policy proposals and the legislation required to introduce the new parental benefits which came into effect on 1 January 2017.
In her role as Manager – Policy and Legislation, Ellen was responsible for managing the Committee’s legislative programme and advising on the interpretation and application of relevant legislation and Social Security Agreements with other countries. She also fulfilled, for the Office of the Committee for Employment & Social Security, the public sector equivalent of a company secretarial position. This involved oversight of the administration of Committee business and various governance functions.
Ellen joined the Civil Service in 1997, and has worked in various administrative, environmental and waste management roles at the former Board of Administration, Committee for Horticulture and Environment Department and as a member of the Chief Minister’s Office at the former Policy Council.
Senior Policy Officer – Disability Discrimination Legislation
Contact Ellen on 732513

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