May 30, 2017
Policy & Resources Plan
The Policy and Resources Plan if passed by the States will be a largest step forward seen in quite some time. The Disability & Inclusion Strategy, The Young Peoples Plan, Strategic living and ageing well plan and creation of an equality body have all made it on to the list to be States priorities for the next 5 years. There is even a £3.5 million fund for developing new services however don’t start popping the Champagne this money won’t be available until 20/20!
The plan is a serious attempt to balance our income and expenditure and its here where I may have to raise a red flag. Departments are being asked to save £26 million pound and the brunt of these savings will made by the biggest departments like Health. We know that when States Departments are squeezed they cut down on service provision and it’s quality.
So in short its good news for the Guernsey Disability Alliance and you, our members however vigilance will still be required.
Arrun Wilkie, States of Guernsey