November 28, 2017
27th November 2017 was the 4th anniversary of the Disability & Inclusion Strategy being unanimously passed by the States. ITV’s John Fernandez filmed us, Aindre and Deputies last week and ran a piece on ITV news that you can view here and if you are on social media you can view updates on Facebook and Twitter.
On ITV website you can also see:
· Deputy Michelle Le Clerc’s interview – ‘ESS will have failed if no discrimination law by 2020’ here
· John’s blog – The condition of Guernsey’s Disability Strategy
The GDA will be on BBC Radio Guernsey 29th Nov at 8:10am following up on this topic, accompanied by the States Disability Champion Deputy Sarah Hansmann-Rouxel. Even since the AGM, statement updates & ITV interview, things have changed – this time for the better. We will have more information early December but new resources are being added to the legislation project to ensure progress and the ERO (Equality Rights Organisation) team is off to flying start with 4-5 meetings and updates planned before the end of 2017!