January 30, 2018
Be Active!
Active literacy through storytelling course
Firstly it’s great to see organisations such as the Guernsey football Association doing their bit to promote activity across the community. Football Development Officer, Joelle Pengelley, circulated the note below to teachers inviting them to att
end the Active Literacy through Storytelling course in March. Joelle has kindly agreed that we can circulate to other colleagues who work with young people. The focus will be on primary age pupils but contact Joelle if interested.
Cameron does Four Daily Miles in an hour!
It was great to see Guernsey athlete, Cameron Chalmers, taking a break from preparing for the Commonwealth Games in March and visiting four schools – Forest, Le Rondin, St Martin’s and Beechwood and Acorn House – to witness at first hand The Daily mile. Cam managed four Daily miles in an hour!
Message from Guernsey Football Association. Contact: Joelle.Pengelley@guernseyfa.com
On behalf of the Guernsey FA, I would like to provide some information about an exciting opportunity being made available to you and your school by the Football Association (FA). The FA have recently launched ‘The Active Literacy Programme’ and the Guernsey FA are supporting this new concept by offering to run a training course for ‘Activators’ to attend, which will then allow them to go out onto the playgrounds and deliver the activities within the Programme.

The Active Literacy Programme is an initiative set up by the FA in partner with the National Literacy Trust to improve the literacy skills of children through sport-themed activities. The programme targets girls aged 5-7 years with the hope th
at the link between football and literacy helps to engage young girls into football, a fresh way to sell the sport and make it appealing to them, whilst also assisting in developing literacy skills. The activities are built around creative play and each girl will receive a creative work book to complete and support their learning. There will be 3 stories that the Activator will work through with the Girls.
This Programme is only intended for delivery within England, but because of the identified sporting and educational benefits, the Guernsey FA has been able to secure the necessary support from the FA to enable this opportunity to be available in Guernsey. If you would like your school to be part of this initiative to allow young girls the opportunity to become more active and support the development of literacy skills, please can you respond to this email by Friday 2nd February with your interest and how
many members of staff would like to attend the training course. As a school you can have teachers, teaching assistants or lunch time assistants attend the course.
The proposed date of the course is Friday 23rd March from 5.00pm – 8.00pm and the course is free to those attending. However, the course will only be delivered if there are a minimum of 12 attendees as there are travel and accommodation costs to be incurred by the FA and Guernsey FA and without strong support from local schools there would not be the financial justification for delivery.
We are currently looking for a suitable venue and if any school would be able to host the training course that would be much appreciated. The simple requirement would be for a classroom area along with access to a sports hall for the practical
elements of the course.
I look forward to hearing from you
Alun Williams, Lifelong Learning Manager, Education Services,States of Guernsey
Tel: +44 (0)1481 733002
Email: alun.williams@gov.gg