September 17, 2018

The Disability & Inclusion strategy has mandated Adult Disability Services to lead on a framework for People with Learning Disability. This will be informed by having a review of Adult Disability Services. This review will be incorporated into the review of children’s disability to form the framework.

The review is being externally facilitated by Jim Blair (Consultant LD Nurse) from GOSH.

There are a number of open consultation dates so feel free to come to any of these.

My Health La Villette Hotel

My Staff 23rd November  12-2pm Les Cotils

Support for my family

13th December 12-2pm

Being listened to

14th December  12-2pm Beau Sejour

17th January  12-2pm Les Cotils

Where I live

18th January  12-2pm Les Cotils

Anything else?

7th February 12-2pm & 5:30-6:30pm La Nouvelle Maritaine

For more information contact

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