November 12, 2018
Purple Tuesday Fireside chat 12:30pm Chamber of Commerce – Inner Market
Tuesday 13thNovember marks the start of an ambitious project to increase access to the town centre for the estimated 13,000 disabled Islanders and their 4,000 carers. Their collective spending power – the Purple Pound – is estimated to be worth £249 million to the Guernsey economy.
We are delighted that the project will be sponsored by the Committee for Employment and Social Security. “Raising awareness and changing attitudes in relation to disability, inclusion and access is a key objective for the Committee for Employment and Social Security” said Deputy Emilie Yerby “And this initiative is a great way to bring people together and learn more about these very important issues”.
The Accessible Town project will be hosting a fireside chat hosted by Sam Bellis, BBC with Deputy Andrea Dudley Owen, Tanya Dorrity, Community Officer, Co-Op and leaders from the retail community and local Charities to celebrate what is already working well and have an honest conversation about what needs to happen next to make accessible shopping across the island a year-round reality.
Deputy Andrea Dudley Owen, Vice President of Economic Development Committee and the lead for retail policy said,”I am delighted to have been invited to take part in this very important conversation with the Accessible Town Project. I hope this will lead to some action to help make our Town as accessible as possible to all members of our Community. It’s more than just the value of to the shops of the “Purple Pound”, it’s also about making sure that we provide equal opportunity, wherever possible to ensure those who want to, have access to shops, are able to browse and buy at their leisure and be part of the local consumer economy.”
The Accessible Town team will be launching the Retail Kite Mark* following the very successful Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme championed by the Co-operative Society ltd.
The Channel Islands Co-operative Society’s Community Officer, Tanya Dorrity, said: ‘We are delighted with the feedback we have received from service users of our Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. As a community retailer, hearing such positive feedback from our customers, proves why this scheme is so important and is just one of the reasons why we wanted to make it a permanent service. Our announcement is timely with the Purple Tuesday event and we encourage businesses and customers alike to take part where they can.’
“The support for this project has been overwhelming” Said Karen Blanchford, Vice Chair Access for All “from the local charities like GET and Dementia Friendly who have offered their training free to local retailer’s, to the retailers and local services who have shown their commitment to make those small changes that make a world of difference to some of our members”
This is a celebration of what can be achieved when the local community work together.
Chris Meinke St Peter Port Douzaine said “St Peter Port Douzaine is heavily involved in the life and work of the Town and works tirelessly to improve its ambience. We are fully supportive of the Accessible Town project and Douzenier volunteers will be out and about on the day ensuring the event goes smoothly, helping people and monitoring the event with a view to future opportunities”
Kay Leslie Guernsey Chamber of Commerce said “Chamber are delighted to support this ambitious partnership initiative, increasing accessibility for disabled people is not just about physical changes to buildings it’s also about providing great customer service, we welcome the opportunity to work with the Accessible Town Team to support business and retailers to continue to strengthen their existing services”
On the 13thSt John Healthcare will be taking its stock of mobility scooters, wheelchairs and walking aids to CT Plus pop-up shop, at the bus terminus, to help support access for all.
Jacquelyn Llewellyn-Jones, Relationship Manager at St John HealthCare said “We know there are lot of people who feel unable to get into the heart of St Peter Port or get around town freely. With the right support and sometimes the right equipment those barriers can be overcome. We really hope that people will come and see us to make use of the scooters and chairs to help them get around St Peter Port more easily.”
Purple Tuesday is one of the initiatives of the larger ‘Accessible Town’ project in Guernsey which focuses on improving accessibility, in its widest context in Guernsey. By increasing accessibility and the disability confidence of businesses the project hopes encourage more disabled islanders and their carers to shop, eat out and take an active part in our community. More details can be found at and
*The retail Kitemark will be available to all business that have undertaken hidden disability training to display in their buildings and shop windows.
Karen Blanchford Vice Chair Access for All will be available for interview on the 13thNovember with all of the speakers, supporting charities and engaged retailers at Guernsey Chamber of Commerce, Inner Market, from 12.30-1.30 pm.
For further information please contact
For more information about Purple Tuesday please review www.accessibletown.ggor
What is ‘Purple Tuesday’? Purple Tuesday is the UK’s first accessible shopping day, established to recognise the importance and needs of disabled consumers and promote inclusive shopping. Accessible Town are developing a similar project for Guernsey.
When is it? Tuesday 13th November 2018.
Why? Thereare still real (and perceived) barriers that make it harder for disabled people to find work, spend money online and in store, and enjoy a drink or meal out.
The aim of Purple Tuesday is to make customer-facing businesses more aware of these opportunities and challenges and inspire them to make changes to improve the disabled customer experience over the long term.
Who’s behind it in Guernsey? Purple Tuesday is being co-ordinated by disability organisation Access for All, with the support of The Chamber of Commerce, Dementia Friendly Guernsey, GET, Carers Guernsey and Guernsey Mind.
Launch partners include The Co-operative Society, Sure, Creasey’s, New Look, HMV, Sports Direct and a wide range of small businesses.
What are participants being asked to do? As well as endorsing and promoting Purple Tuesday, every participant must make at least one long-term commitment aimed at improving the experience for their disabled customers going forward. The exact nature of the commitment is up to each individual business, depending on their specific resources and needs. However, examples include introducing regular ‘quiet hours’ for those with sensory issues, improving store wayfinding, or introducing more inclusive marketing and product photography.
What will be happening on the day? Participating retailers will be promoting their involvement on the day at the fireside chat and launching the Accessible shopping Christmas Evening on 3rdDecember
Who can get involved?
Any business or organisation that interacts with disabled customers – either at a physical location or online – the more the merrier!
#PurpleTuesday #AccessibleTown