June 26, 2019
The GDA and We All Matter, Eh? are actively engaged in the Equality Series, having delivered our workshop on Human Rights and been a key partner in the series. You can down load our slides “Guernsey’s rights based approach to disability workshop” on the Equality resources page http://Guernsey’s rights based approach to disability workshop slides
We actively encourage all our members, partners and supporters to attend the conference where the GDA will host an interactive Disability Discrimination panel.
Karen Blanchford, Guernsey Disability Alliance
Nikki Ioannou-Droushiotis, Guernsey Employment Trust
Sarah Ash, Walkers
Ellen Pragnell, Employment Social Security
Book your tickets on EventBrite, via the Equality Guernsey conference page https://equality.gg/conference/ or email kerstin@equality.gg for assistance with your ticket and workshop selections.