December 18, 2020
Update by Gill Evans, States Disability Officer
“It’s been a busy end to the year. Disability awareness training (including information about the hidden disability lanyard scheme) was given to the expanded Ports customer care team. These are the people that now welcome all arrivals to Guernsey and assist them through the new arrivals and Covid testing procedures. These are new experiences even for regular travellers and it is recognised that many people, with differing needs, will need assistance through this process. The States have prepared videos for anyone who is travelling which explains what will happen and also demonstrates the testing procedure on arrival.
A series of videos was produced for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD). Liam, Alex and Sandra all shared their stories about the different support they receive which gives them the opportunity to do the things they enjoy. Sandra talked about her love of swimming and Ade talked about the “soon to be installed” pool pod which will give independent access to the pool for many more people. Alex showed us the things he is learning to do on the Access course as part of the workforce academy and we learn about the different communication methods that Liam uses to tell his family and carers how he feels and what he want to do.
The final video of the year was about Alex, who has been able to move back to Guernsey to live at Le Vieux Jardin. We were unable film Alex but his parents were interviewed and they told us how pleased they are that he is back on island and that with the support from his carers he is learning how to do many things which will make him more independent.
Thank you all Sandra, Alex, Liam and Alex for sharing your stories.”
Gill is a key partner in our mission to bring Equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities and carers, we thank her for her commitment and proactive drive towards our common goals.
You can contact Gill at