April 6, 2021
Message from Ron Short centre
With funding from the Lloyds Bank Foundation the Ron Short Centre is launching a new training initiative designed to change attitudes and understanding of disability.
Disability Confidence Training is designed to give the public a practical appreciation of the needs and experiences of people with disabilities living in our Guernsey community.
Initially it will be offered to volunteers and, with support from the chamber of commerce, it will be offered to businesses who want to improve the way they interact with customers with disabilities.
The course is being professionally designed and piloted this year prior to a full rollout to the community.
We are looking to recruit and train a team of people with disabilities who will be our ambassadors for the programme. Trainers will be trained and supported and paid a full commercial rate for their time.
If you want to be part of this exciting initiative or are just curious to find out more then email Tim Feak at ronshortdevelopment@gmail.com or call the centre on 01481 724 333