June 19, 2021
The Government Work Plan (GWP) stage 2 policy letter was published 17th June 2021 you can view it here
We will be discussing the contents of the GWP as our introduction to the member meeting Thursday 24th June 7pm (Les Cotils) where we will update our members priorities and our goals (GDA, Access for All, We All Matter, Eh?) for the next term (to 2025)
7pm Welcome and introduction, including the new GDA executive and our new structure.
7:10pm – The Government Work Plan (GWP) and key point for GDA members
7:30pm – break into round tables to discuss the key areas of GDA policy:
- Health led by Mike Read (HEAL)
- Education led by Catherine Hall
- Transport led Rob Harnish
- Employment led by GET Nikki
- Access led by Karen
- other member points – Carol and team
8:15pm Present back each tables priorities
8:45pm close