July 17, 2021
1 Year Anniversary of States Decision to Unanimously Agree Proposals on Discrimination Legislation
On 17th July 2020, the States unanimously agreed proposals to provide discrimination legislation. One year on, the Guernsey Disability Alliance (GDA) is pleased with the work undertaken so far.
Carol Le Page, the GDA’s Director of Social Policy, explained: “We have been told that the Law Officers have been working hard on Phase 1 of the proposals and that the first draft of the legislation is substantially complete. This deals with discrimination on the grounds of race, carer status and disability. In addition, we expect a Policy Letter from the Committee for Employment and Social Security (ESS) in September on the definitions and exclusions to religion and sexual orientation, which are also part of Phase 1.”
The GDA was formed in 2008 to achieve equality of opportunity for everyone affected by disability. We are a member organisation with more than 40 member charities and individual members. Representing members on policy issues provides them with the opportunity to focus on delivering their essential services.
The GDA does this by researching items, discussing issues with experts both on and off island, engaging with government, discussing with business and other organisations the implications of legislation changes and, providing training and information.
Karen Blanchford, the Partnership Director of the GDA explains: “With the proposals having been passed there has been increased demand for information and training from all sectors. We have strong relationships with a diverse number of organisations in the community and use our Access for All and We All Matte Eh! brands to provide training and “lived experience” case studies. In response, the GDA has recently provided frequently asked questions and information sheets which are available on its website (https://disabilityalliance.org.gg/campaigns/human-rights/discrimination-legislation-faqs-2021/). We will be providing more resources, particularly for charities and not for profit organisations. And we know that ESS is planning more information targeted at businesses, as well as goods, services, accommodation and education providers”.
Other work has been undertaken over the past year on the Disability and Inclusion Strategy, under which the discrimination legislation sits. This has been reported on a regular basis in easy to read reports. These can be found at signpost.gg (http://signpost.gg/article/178166/Highlight-reports-and-easy-read-documents).