February 24, 2022
Accredited Access Audit course – is rescheduled for 9th and 10th March 2022 (was October and then December 2021!)
with the practically day the morning Friday 11th March 2022
email info@disabilityalliance.org.gg to book your place
In partnership with Access for All CAE Access expert Vin Goodwin will again be visiting Guernsey to train more Accessibility Auditors.
Access auditing
This course is aimed at anyone interested in taking their access knowledge to a higher level and gain an understanding of the practicalities of access improvements in light of the forthcoming Discrimination Legisaltion. This course is ideal for anyone considering NRAC accreditation, or looking to develop access auditing skills alongside a practical understanding of implementing access into building management practices.
About the course
This is CAE’s most popular course.
This popular long running two day programme covers the following areas:
- Access awareness
- The UK Equality Act 2010, forthcoming Guernsey discrimination legislation and design standards
- Principles of inclusive design, design guidance and access strategies are brought to life by our experienced trainers.
- Appraisal and auditing methodologies are explored, formats for reports and making priorities and recommendations.