Access News

Access Auditing Course 21st – 22nd June 2023

February 15th, 2023|

The next CAE (Centre for Accessible Environments) Access Auditing Course will take place over 2 days 21st and 22nd June 2023. Wednesday and Thursday – Course to run from 9am-5pm. Location to be confirmed. Friday 23rd [...]

Equipment Aids and Adaptations – Section 10

February 14th, 2023|

In 2022 the GDA was asked by the Committee for Health and Social Care (HSC) to respond to potential changes to the means tested "section 10" provision of equipment, aids, and adaptations. A report has now been prepared for [...]

2022 celebrations

December 2nd, 2022|

Friday 2nd December 2022 we celebrate the year, passing of the discrimination legislation, International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD) and Karens farewell Click here to down load the slides from the event GDA members meeting - Dec [...]

Guernsey Airport Travel Guide

November 16th, 2022|Tags: , |

Guernsey Ports, in conjunction with Autism Guernsey, have produced a new information leaflet for travellers which will assist when planning a journey by plane. A copy will be available at the airport customer service desk. You can also access [...]

CAE Access Course – 9th and 10th November 2022

November 5th, 2022|

The next CAE (Centre for Accessible Environments) Access Auditing Course will take place over 2 days 9th and 10th November 2022. Wednesday and Thursday - We will be based at La Vallette Bathing Pools from 9am-5pm Friday 11th November [...]

Tennerfest and accessibility

October 22nd, 2022|

The Tennerfest is celebrating 25 years. We have teamed up with them to share the restaurants and cafes with Access Guides (through AccessAble) and venues that are increasing their accessibility to ensure members can dine there. AccessAble Access [...]

Purple Tuesday 2022 – 1st November

October 14th, 2022|

Purple Tuesday in Guernsey In Guernsey we have celebrated Purple Tuesday since its first year, 2018. Partnering with Purple Tuesday UK, Chamber of Commerce and Digital Greenhouse with a variety of other organisations depending on the topic for the [...]

Help with Research

July 28th, 2022|

Are you interested in access to outdoor spaces for anyone with an impairment? Victoria Nixon is a second-year geography student at Lancaster University, who would like to hear from anyone who might be able to help her with research [...]

Where Am I Wednesday = Access Guides

July 26th, 2022|

Guernsey Disability Alliance Press Release IMMEDIATE RELEASE Where Am I Wednesday? The Guernsey Disability Alliance (GDA) have started a social media campaign to raise awareness of the Access Guides which are available online to locals and tourists to assist [...]

Accessible route of the Saffery Rotary Walk

June 16th, 2022|

Saffery Rotary Walk 2022 Congratulations to everyone who took place in the Accessible Route of the Saffery Rotary Walk Saturday 11th June 2022. It was great to have 13 5th Scouts join us to understand more about members [...]

New Accessible Walkway

June 14th, 2022|Tags: |

We were honoured to help open the new Jeanne Groves accessible walkway by the Monnaie Chapple. We were delighted to be asked to take part in the opening of this pathway on a lovely evening and is a wonderful [...]

Digital Accessibility

May 5th, 2022|Tags: |

Introduction to Digital Accessibility The GDA is passionate about inclusion. Core to inclusion in community life is accessibility. This campaign focuses on digital accessibility, our members lived experiences, partners tips and resources. You can find out more [...]

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