Access News

March 2017 Newsletter

March 27th, 2017|

Spring is finally here, and so is the March newsletter for the Guernsey Disability Alliance. Please click on the link below to download and read. GDA March 2017 Newsletter final

Be Active Forum and Accessible Activities

March 19th, 2017|

Be Active forum and Accessible Activities for children with disabilities We All Matter Eh? (GDA) were invited to the Be Active March session to present and facilitate a conversation on Accessible Activities for children with disabilities. Be Active is A [...]

Accessible Sport & Activities in Guernsey

January 18th, 2017|

Led by Karen Blanchford (GDA/Access or All) & Olly Tracey (Onscreen Creations) In conjunction with members, Access for All and The Guernsey Sports Commission GDA’s mission is equality of opportunity for disabled islanders and carers in Guernsey.  We want to [...]

Viewing the Christmas lights in St Peter Port

December 1st, 2016|

Seasonal dispensations are in place again this year to allow driving through some of the prohibited streets in the Town area to view the Christmas lights during the festive period. These dispensations are intended for the benefit of older people [...]

Guernsey Disability Alliance to visit Alderney

July 8th, 2016|

Representatives from GDA, Wigwam, Access for All Guernsey Disability Alliance (GDA), working in conjunction with Accessible Alderney – a long-term member of the GDA – will be visiting the island on 14 and 15 July to meet with interested parties, [...]

Guernsey States of Deliberation

June 1st, 2016|

New guernsey states of deliberation Our new States of Deliberation are now in place and all the roles have now been filled. To assist our members in contacting the right people about the Disability and Inclusion Strategy as well as [...]

Good News from the Guernsey Deaf Childrens Society

January 18th, 2016|

As part of the GDA member charities publicity campaign for the Disability Strategy update, Leonie Burrows, Treasurer of the Guernsey Deaf Childrens Society, gave an interview on Channel Television on hearing impairment issues within Education. Here is a copy of [...]

DisabledGo Access Guide to Guernsey goes live

March 13th, 2012|

Ever wanted to check out a venue for its accessibility before you leave home? In so much detail, you can even see a photo of what the toilet looks like? The much-awaited DisabledGo Access Guide to Guernsey launched today at [...]

Press coverage of Dave's Memorial

November 15th, 2011|

From the Guernsey Press, Saturday 12th November: Dave's work for disabled people is recognised. A memorial stone plaque celebrating the work of disability campaigner Dave Purdy was unveiled yesterday. Crowds gathered at the access ramp to Market Square [...]

Bailiff unveils memorial stone to Dave Purdy

November 14th, 2011|

Although there were a few spots of rain, that didn't stop a large crowd of Dave Purdy's friends and family gathering at the Market Square Ramp to watch the Bailiff unveil a memorial stone in Dave's honour on [...]

Guernsey gets an online Access Guide

October 6th, 2011|

The States has commissioned an organisation called DisabledGo to audit the accessibility of 500 venues in Guernsey - hotels, restaurants, shops, public buildings - and publish the results online for everyone to use.  DisabledGo hosted meetings on Wednesday 5th October [...]

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