April 13, 2013
Congratulations to Andy Graham (founder) and the Committee of Autism Guernsey for its truly inspiring charity launch. As the guest speaker Baroness Pitkeathley said in her opening speech: ‘If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door’. You have certainly created this door.
The charity supports adults with autism and is based in Ruette Braye (above All Island Carpets). Andy Graham, their frontline staff member, is currently offering individualised advise and support via appointment or a drop in service to adults with the autism and their families. The intention is to develop projects in the near future in conjunction with already existing charities. This includes a befriending scheme jointly run with Mencap and an outreach service run in conjunction with the National Autistic Society. If you would like to find out more email Andy Graham or phone him on 727965 or check out their new website autismguernsey.org.gg.
Good luck to Andy and the team from Autism Guernsey!