June 6, 2013
It was National Carers Week from the 10 – 16th June. To mark the event, Guernsey charities put on various events:
L’Vair (new mental health charity), Guernsey Alzheimer’s Association, Les Bourgs Hospice and other charities spoke about the many faces of caring every morning on BBC Radio Guernsey.
Guernsey Health Information put up display boards by their PEH based office to tell everyone about support available for carers.
Carers Coming Together invited all carers for their special Away Day on 10th June offering various treats for carers throughout the day.
On 13th June at 12.30pm the Healing Music Trust put on a concert on the PEH foyer.
And last but not least, the two highlights of Carers Week are happened on the 11th of June:
The HUB launched Guernsey’s first ever Young Carers Club.
On the same day St John’s Ambulance introduced their Skills for Carers Course. The course is aimed at all informal carers who care for an adult or a child and wish to receive more information and practical advice. Sessions are wide ranging, covering aspects such as first aid, benefits, stress management and many more. For more information, email training@sja.org.gg or phone 247979.