May 8, 2016
Deputy Jane Stephens has been elected as one of the five members of Policy and Resources, the new senior committee of the States. Jane was the first choice of P&R President, Deputy Gavin St Pier for the ‘social policy’ role on the committee.
GDA members know Jane well as she was the first ever States’ Champion for Disabled People and more recently, Co-Chair of the Disability and Inclusion Strategy Implementation Group.
Jane will be making sure that the Disability Strategy, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy, Children and Young People’s Plan (and many others) are all progressing to plan and fit together.
It doesn’t mean that she is actually responsible for implementing the projects within Disability Strategy. That responsibility sits with the Employment and Social Security Committee.
But it will be the P&R Committee that proposes a “Policy and Resources Plan” that will determine which projects should be overall government priorities in the next four years.