September 23, 2017

Wigwam have plenty of events happening in October – call Andy Graham if you have any questions and wish to join in.
Tuesday 3rd October – 10am till Noon – Drop In for parents and carers at Les Ozouets
Thursday 5th October – 7pm – Pub Games evening for Fathers and male carers at Dorset Arms
Saturday 14th October – 2pm to 4.30pm – Saturday Social afternoon for families at La Moye
Thursday 26th October – 10.30am to 1pm – Half Term swimming and lunch at Beau Sejour (to book email
Sunday 29th October – 2.30pm to 4.30pm – Young Adults social at Les Ozouets

Andy Graham – Operations Manager – Wigwam Support Group LBG 
“Providing friendship, support and advice”

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