June 18, 2018
On the afternoon of Saturday 18th August 2018 commencing at 2pm.
The event will be held at Seaplane Bungalow at Jerbourg (in the field adjacent) and we will celebrate firstly the 100th Anniversary of the bungalow being in the ownership of one family – the building which is now the family home was a seaplane hangar originally situated on the Castle emplacement, purchased by the current owner’s grandfather in 1918 (for £90) and transported by horse and cart out to Jerbourg! Secondly and as importantly we thought also to commemorate and also celebrate 100 years since the end of the First World War.
The Guernsey Cheshire Home are hosting/holding an afternoon tea with entertainment – tickets are £18 each and they hope to have a super afternoon – both enjoyable and maybe on occasion a tad reflective:
- Full afternoon tea – generously provided and donated by Les Cotils (to whom we are hugely grateful)
- A tour of Seaplane Bungalow
- World War I songs
- World War I poem(s)
- We hope that King George V and Queen Mary will grace us with their presence
- World War I style dress not compulsory but if you wish please do (but don’t worry if you do not want to)
- One of GCH’s great raffles
It will be booking in advance (as they need to plan for catering etc) so please do book early and in advance – through cmcmillen@cwgsy.net.
Many thanks
Cherry McMillen
(as Chair of the GCH Support Group)