January 21, 2019
Looking to make a real contribution to Guernsey?
The Guernsey Disability Alliance LBG, one of Guernsey’s most impactful and respected community serving not for profit organisations, is seeking a talented and committed volunteer to lead its Executive Committee.
The Alliance is diverse, and comprises over 40 disability related organisations plus individual members affected by disability.
The Alliance’s work is centred on the overall objective of equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities. The Alliance aims to achieve this by being a collective voice of persons with disabilities to government; assisting with the development and implementation of Guernsey’s Disability and Inclusion Strategy and by guiding and monitoring the realisation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The Chairperson will:
Lead the committee and the organisation to enable it to fulfil its purpose by:
- Ensuring an effective relationship between:
- the committee and the staff/volunteers/members
- the committee and the stakeholders/community/funders
- acting as a spokesperson and figurehead (in time and as appropriately experienced, supported by operations staff)
- Oversight of most senior paid staff manager (support & welfare)
- Ensuring appropriate levels of transparency and accountability to stakeholders
Skills needed:ability to manage meetings efficiently, good communicator, tactful, diplomatic, interest in disability and rights, good understanding of governance, committed and connected.
Interested parties please contact: info@disabilityalliance.org.ggor phone 07781 467316
For more information
The GDA website is currently being upgraded, but you can find out more about our mission, history, campaigns, news etc on www.gda.org.gg
Social media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GuernseyDisabilityAlliance
Twitter: @GDA_Disability
We All Matter, Eh?
Web: www.matter.gg
Twitter: @WeAllMatterEh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mattergg