November 25, 2019
We have had a number of queries in relation to the Accessible Town Christmas evening and Christmas Lights for December 2019.
Opportunity to view the Christmas Lights in Town
Wednesday 27 November 2019
Traffic & Highway Services has once again, granted a general permission to allow members of the public to drive through Town.
This provides elderly members of the community and people with disabilities an opportunity to see the Christmas Lights.
Permits do not need to be obtained from Traffic & Highway Services for vehicular access to Smith Street, the High Street, Le Pollet, Mill Street and Mansell Street. This is only permitted between 18:00 and 22:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday evenings from Sunday 1st December through to Wednesday 1st January 2020.
Whilst drivers are permitted to travel in either direction along Smith Street, drivers must only travel in the direction of the Town Church when driving along Le Pollet or the High Street. Drivers are also reminded that the above listed roads are all subject to a 12mph speed limit.