November 9, 2019

Dear member,

During yesterday’s States meeting, Deputy Michelle Le Clerc made a statement explaining that because of the polarised response received through the discrimination legislation consultation process, the Committee for Employment and Social Security (ESS) intends to “revisit” certain crucial elements of the proposals.

The elements to be revisited include the definition of “disability” and the definition of “carer”. Also, initially at least, ESS intends to reduce the proposed grounds of protection. This re-focussing is due largely to concerns expressed by some members of the business community. Deputy Le Clerc’s explanatory note to stakeholders is attached.

The GDA Committee is obviously very concerned at this development and is seeking an urgent meeting with ESS in order to gain further clarity and assurances. The GDA’s media response to the announcement is also attached to this email.

Best wishes


Rob Platts MBE

Founder and Equality Advisor, Guernsey Disability Alliance

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