April 27, 2020
Improving accessibility of States’ Media Briefings
The States Media Briefings, which are live streamed on the States’ Facebook page, now have live auto captioning. This live captioning is not perfect: it lacks punctuation and sometimes interprets words incorrectly, but we think it’s good enough to help some people with impaired hearing. It is necessary to turn captioning on – a box with display options appears on the lower right section of the screen while the video is streaming.
Recordings of the States Media Briefings can also be viewed again on the States’ website https://covid19.gov.gg/news/media-briefings . These recordings go through a second process of caption translation which tends to marginally improve accuracy. Additionally, from 24th April, the GDA will be assisting the States with a trial to manually edit the captioning on the recordings to improve accuracy and punctuation. It may be necessary to turn the captions on by clicking on the settings icon (small cogwheel) on the bottom right of the video screen.
Covid-19 essential information easy read versions
The States have made some essential information about Covid-19 available in easy read versions – these are available at https://covid19.gov.gg/support/protect.
Further information and advice available from Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Please also note that there is a wealth of information and advice available from the Citizens Advice Bureau’s (CAB) web pages. CAB also welcomes enquiries by telephone 242266.