November 6, 2020
As the last term finishes (2016-2020 Deputies) we also have a number of changes to the Executive Committee, GDA structure and staff.
Executive Committee
We wish to thank our Finance Director Alan Bain for his exceptional support for the last four years. Not only as our finance director but also a solid member of the executive team through some turbulent years.
You can view our volunteer vacancies below including the role of treasurer
We are excited that Carol Le Page has joined the GDA as the Social Policy Director, she will be job sharing with Karen Blanchford, We All Matte, Eh? Director. We wish Carol all the very best in this new role (which thanks to her exceptional experience she has hit the ground running)
Thank you to our outgoing treasurer Alan Bain for all his support over the last 4 years
Treasurer vacancy
We have a vacancy for the voluntary position of Treasurer for the GDA and would welcome expressions of interest via more details below. We host our AGM on the 3rd December
Please find attached the role description of the treasurer
Secretary vacancy
We have a vacancy for the voluntary position of secretary for the GDA and would welcome expressions of interest via more details below. We host our AGM on the 3rd December
Please find attached the role description of the secretary
Social Policy lead – Carol Le Page
Carol Le Page will focus on Social Policy, working with our amazing team of Volunteers:
- Catherine Hall – Education
- Mike Read – Health
- Rob Harnish – social policy
- Arrun Wilkie – social policy
- Rob Platts MBE – Equality Adviser
We All Matter, Eh? inc. Access for All
Karen will focus on raising awareness and training from January 2021. Working alongside the States Disability Officer, Gill Evans to offer such sessions as:
- Hidden Disabilities
- Purple Tuesday – changing the customer experience
- Access for All – including Access Audit training in partnership with CAE
- Disability and Carers – raising awareness and changing culture
- Diversity sessions
More information: