February 27, 2021
Dear Members, some good news.
Following a change to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advise to the UK Government, we can confirm that anyone with a learning disability (LD) in the Bailiwick is now to be prioritised for a COVID-19 vaccination and will be contacted in the next few weeks. The vaccination will also be offered to carers.
- Adult Disability Services (ADS) have been working hard to compile a database of all those with a LD. The list is based on those prioritised for annual health checks each year.
- The ADS team aim to contact everyone on the list by 12th March, calling people forward in groups of 50 in alphabetical order.
- Vaccinations for the majority will be held at the Covid Vaccination Centre (CVC) at Beau Sejour. Those who are really unable to tolerate attendance at the CVC will be invited to the St Martin’s Community Centre.
- The vaccinations will take place in an environment that will be as LD friendly as possible with reduced lighting and layout changes to ensure the person and their carer can sit together. Numbers being vaccinated on the day will be reduced making it feel much less busy. Expect vaccinators to be wearing a photograph of themselves so people can see who they are under all their PPE.
- The ADS team will be working with the vaccination team to contact everyone to help with bookings and ensure everyone receives the support they need. They will also be available on site on the day to support families and assist with transport arrangements if necessary
- 16 to 18 year olds will also be prioritised for the vaccine.
Please contact the ADS team on 01481 230000 if you are concerned you may not be on their list. We have asked for the https://covid19.gov.gg website to be updated with additional advice and information as soon as is possible.
Mike Read
GDA health rep