March 13, 2022

Antibody and Antiviral Treatments

For some time now the NHS has been offering new antibody and antiviral treatments to people with COVID-19 who are at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill. These treatments, if taken within the first five days of testing positive, can help manage symptoms of COVID-19 and reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill. They are for people who have not been admitted to hospital. These treatments should also be readily available across the Bailiwick.

It has come to our attention that some members of our community who are clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) to the effects of COVID-19, have on testing positive for COVID, attempted to obtain antiviral treatment from their GPs only to be told to contact Public Health. On contacting Public Health they have been told to contact their GPs. As a result we have contacted Public Health who acknowledged there has been some confusion around the correct referral pathway and we have been given the following important reassurance and advice.

  • Patients should contact their GP if they think they meet the criteria and want to access antivirals or nMABs.
  • They should have had a diagnosis of Covid within the last 5 days AND have symptoms AND are in one of the highest-risk groups AND do not need hospitalisation or need supplemental oxygen for Covid symptoms.
  • A face to face consultation with your GP is then likely.
  • If the GP thinks suitable then they will either prescribe or refer into secondary care depending on the drug required.
  • The cost should be as for other conditions managed by Primary Care.

The current definition of Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) can be found on the covid19 website here

Please let the GDA know if you experience any further problems.

At the time of writing this advice from Public Health can not be found on the covid19 website. We have asked that their pages reflect this as soon as possible.

Mike Read

Health rep for the GDA

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