September 20, 2022

On the 27th September 2022 the GDA will have been campaigning for 15 years for equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities and carers

Although this isn’t really something to celebrate (its taken that long to try and get protection from discrimination in) we cant let the milestone pass without a get together. 12-2pm at Les Cotils, Harry Bound room for a buffet lunch – please note we need RSVP for catering

  • 12pm arrival – buffet lunch
  • 12:15pm – presentation on our 15 years on campaigning
  • 12:45pm – members testimonial
  • 1/1:15pm – due to the number of amendments we will move to a discussion on the 11 amendments, you role in counting 3-11 and the set up for the States meeting and the steps Wednesday 28th September from 8:30am


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