May 10, 2023
With the new Charity Law coming in the GDA needs to make some changes to its Articles of Association. We are also using the opportunity of holding an EGM to bring you the 2022 finalised accounts, appoint a new Honorary Treasurer, Vivien Nemeth and re-confirm the GDAs audit waiver resolution.
The EGM will deal with all these matters online from 6pm on Wednesday 31st May 2023. An email and notice will be circulated to members with information about how to join the meeting, how to cast your vote and how to provide a proxy if you are unable to attend the meeting. This is also available by pressing the “NOTICE” button below, together with the agenda for the meeting.
We will be using Teams to host the meeting. It is free to download if you do not already have it on your device. You can down load Teams here.
It is recommended that you download Teams well in advance of the meeting so that it is ready for the EGM.
If you already have teams you will just need to press the “JOIN” button below to attend the meeting, up to 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. An email will also be sent to all members which will have the link on it so you can also join that way.
Notice Agenda and Proxy Forms
Item 4. Minutes of the AGM held on 13th February 2023
Item 6. Matters requiring Ordinary Resolutions (requires simple majority):
Item 6i – Accounts. The declaration button gives you the declaration from Daniel Tostevin who reviewed the financial statements as our independent reviewer. Thank you to Daniel for helping us in this way.
The accounts button below will take you to the 2022 accounts reviewed by Daniel. An earlier version was received by the AGM in February but these are the final accounts for approval.
Item 6ii – Honorary Treasurer
Members are asked to approve Vivien Nemeth joining the GDA Board as its Hon. Treasurer as Toni De Kooker has moved from being Treasurer to take the position of Hon. Chair at the February AGM. For more information on Vivien click the button below.
Item 7. Matters requiring Special Resolutions (requires at least 75% majority)
Item 7 – Addendum to the GDAs Governing Documents required due to new Charity Law – Memorandum and Articles. Please click on the red button below to bring up the changes proposed to the Memorandum and Articles and the current governance documents.
Please note that the substantive governance documents will also have amendments in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and any typos etc may also be amended.
These are all the papers for the meeting. If you have any problems downloading any please email and I will try to help you or send you a hard copy if time allows.