April 6, 2018
Please find below a member update from Rob Platts MBE on the recent announcement from ESS (Employment and Social Security) “Guernsey’s new disability discrimination legislation will be based on the Irish and Australian laws,”. We welcome this progress. I have also attached the media releases for you and our blog will be updated daily with press articles and other news www.disabilityalliance.org.gg/blog
- The media release from ESS can be found on gov.gg here
- The GDA media statement is on our news blog here
We would welcome any comments or feedback. We are also working on an update for you on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) which will follow next week. As you are aware there is a lot of progress on the legislation, ERO and other Disability & Inclusion strategy work streams (you can view all updates from the states in the 12th highlight report here) so we are running workshops for members and stakeholders to keep everyone up to date. Due to the size of the content these are split into two workshops as below. The slides (and soon the video) are available on our websitenews blog.
Preventing Disability Discrimination workshops:
Due to popular demand we will be re running the 1st Preventing Disability Discrimination workshop:
- 1st workshop on Human Rights (re run) Friday 13th April 12-2pm at Les Cotils (please rsvp) ahead of the
- 2nd workshop on Preventing Discrimination Wedneday 18th April 7-9pm at Les Cotils
- More details on these can be found on our news blog, Facebook events and Eventbrite
Please do not hesitate to contact Karen or Rob if you have any queries or would like more information.[flat_button text=”Download member update” title=”Download member update” url=”https://disabilityalliance.org.gg/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/GDA-update-on-Legislaltion-6th-April-2018.pdf” padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#FF5C00″ border_color=”#FF5C00″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#FFFFFF” text_size=”14px” align=”left” target=”_self”]