When: 6th September 2022 at 18:30 to 20:00
Where: Harry Bound Room, Les Cotils
What: A meeting for GDA members and interested individuals.
The meeting will be the GDA’s view on what is proposed to be covered under the Prevention of Discrimination Ordinance and how it will affect you if you are a person with an impairment or a carer. The Ordinance is due to be debated by the States on the 28th September. The discussion will cover the main areas of the protection and definitions of who is covered and who is not. We will also look at any amendments that have been put forward by that date.

Your Views
No prior knowledge of the legislation is expected as the Ordinance is only expected to be published on 19th August, 2022. The presentation will try to give you a high level view of what is in the legislation but will predominately look at who will be protected and what they can do if they feel they have been discriminated against.
Your views and participation will be essential to ensuring that there are no more delays in bringing this important piece of legislation through the States and to make sure protection is provided as soon as possible.
#NoMoreDelays #StillWaiting