Education News

Education Update by Catherine Hall

May 21st, 2019|

The Committee for ESC and Andrew Warren met with GDA representatives Rob Harnish and Catherine Hall. The GDA concerns regarding the development of the two school model and the lack of any prior consultation were put to the meeting and [...]

SEND Education Meeting

May 20th, 2019|

Below is a link to the SEND Education Meeting slides SEND Education Meeting slidesDownload

Inclusive Education

May 1st, 2019|

Following the SEN meeting yesterday evening (30th April) please find attached the Inclusive education paper  Inclusive Education SummaryDownload

GDA and Access for All meeting – March 2019

March 28th, 2019|

thank you to everyone who attended our meeting in March and especially to our guest presenters: Claire, Darren and Mike please find attached our slide deck from the night

CYPP Update by Nick Hynes

November 18th, 2018|

The Children and Young People’s Plan has been refreshed to cover the next 3 years from 2019-2022. This Refresh is based on cross-sector engagement and has the voices of our children and young people at its heart. It demonstrates a [...]

Purple Tuesday 13th November

November 3rd, 2018|

Purple Tuesday is the UK’s first accessible shopping day, established to recognise the importance and needs of disabled consumers and promote inclusive shopping. Taking place on 13th November 2018 to coincide with the run up to the peak Christmas period, [...]

Disability Confidence Survey – with Chamber of Commerce

October 8th, 2018|

    As part of the Accessible Town project ( We All Matter Eh? GDA and Access for All are partnering with Chamber of Commerce to survey local businesses and organisations to understand how we can support them to become [...]

Pargiter Trust Grant Applications

December 12th, 2017|

The Pargiter Trust grants applications round is now open. Attached is the media release which has been issued today, plus guidelines and criteria. Grant criteria is as follows: Improving health & well-being – reducing isolation, providing hot meals and refreshments and  [...]

Be Active Forum Newsletter October 2017

October 14th, 2017|

How can we encourage a shift from private vehicles to alternative forms of transport? Please read the attached poster for further information. Thank you Alun Williams THS Poster 2

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