September 11, 2020
The States Election2020 team have published a number of Easy Read guides for the election.
You can view the guides on
How to Apply for a Postal Vote
With up to 38 votes to make a lot of people will want to sit at home and think about who they are going to vote for. You can vote for just one person or for up to 38 people. Do not vote for more than 38 otherwise your paper will be spoilt and wont count for any.
To vote by postal vote you must first apply to be registered as a postal voter. You have up until the 25th September to register as a postal voter.
Please see the following easy read guide:
How to Use Your Postal Vote
Click on the link below to get the easy read version with advice on how to use your postal vote in the 2020 election. No one should tell you who to vote for, you must make up your own mind. Once you have decided who to vote for this information gives you the details of how to use a postal vote to make your vote count.
Where to Vote
The places you can vote have changed a bit from previous elections so if you want to go and vote in person, or deliver your postal vote at the Polling Station instead of putting it in the post you can click on the following to get the easy read guide of where to vote.
How to Vote at a Polling Station
Some people enjoy going to the Polling Station to vote. There are people at the Polling Station who can help you if you have any problems or want to ask questions. No one can tell you who to vote for, but they can show you where to go and what to do. Candidates are not allowed in the Polling Stations but sometimes will be outside, although this may be different with Island wide voting as they will not be able to cover all the parish Polling Stations! For the easy read guide on what to expect at a polling station click the following link: