In the News News

Consultation – Fibre to Premises

October 15th, 2021|

Thank you to members who commented on the issues raised by fibre replacing copper wires for our landline phones which means they will not work if the power goes down. The GDA has responded to the consultation questions asked [...]

Top 5 Survey

September 30th, 2021|

The GDA is looking for help. So if you are a member organisations we need your help to prioritise what the GDA should focus on over the next 4 years. This ties in with the current political term. You [...]

End of Life Care – GWP Amendment

July 21st, 2021|

Amendment The Government Work Plan has been amended so that the proposition that the States will vote on will include undertaking the work on end of life care. The amendment can be seen by clicking here. How the [...]

Equal pay for Work of Equal Value – GWP Amendment

July 21st, 2021|

An amendment has been put to the Government Work Plan about undertaking the policy work for equal pay for equal of equal value. This is different to the equal pay for equal work which is already covered. The explanatory [...]

Access to Drugs and Medicines -GWP Amendments

July 21st, 2021|

Introduction NICE TAs have tried to have the breaks put on by the Government Work Plan (GWP) but an amendment by Deputies Peter Roffey and Lester Queripel has been carried by the States over a late amendment by Policy [...]

Anti Discrimination Legislation Reviewed by GPEG

July 14th, 2021|

The Guernsey Press has published an article and Opinion column following the publication of the Guernsey Policy and Economic Group (GPEG) review of the discrimination legislation titled a Review of the States of Guernsey Proposals on Anti-Discrimination. The article [...]

Highlight Report and Easy Read Report

July 13th, 2021|

The Disability Officer's 32nd Highlight report and easy read report for the period ending June 2021 is out now. Please click above links for the reports or the link button below for all reports. The 32nd report has information [...]

NICE TAs and the GWP

June 24th, 2021|Tags: , |

Our Health representative Mike Read is also the Chair for HEAL, Health Equality for All, and is the key contact for the NICE TA's campaign .  You can find out more about the history of the NICE TA's project [...]

New Charity Law

May 10th, 2021|

Dear member charities The new Charity Law 2021 (109 pages) is now available on  Peter Rose of AGC Association of Guernsey Charities has put together a Briefing Note (attached) and on the AGC website Briefing Note - New [...]

SEND Review meeting

April 28th, 2021|Tags: , |

SEND Review, commissioned by the previous Committee forEducation, Sport & Culture, was carried out by nasen (National Association for Special Educational Needs) The States have issued a media release on the Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) review [...]

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